Thursday, July 27, 2006

Big Bad Baby Blanket!

It's done, it's done, it's done!! The Big Bad Baby Blanket knit in Cascade Sierra Quattro is completed as of today.

I'm really happy with how it turned out. The yarn knit up beautifully (I love Cascade!) and it looks pretty good after a trip through the washing machine (gentle cycle of course!). The pattern itself is simple and quick to knit.

Although the recipient was just born under a week ago I won't be meeting her for two more weeks so I am actually done *gasp* early for once!

I did by the way figure something else out during this project. I'd bought an insurance hank but the yarn store owner hadn't wound it for me because she didn't think I'd need it. But tight knitter that I am I did end up a little bit short. I was 5 rows from binding off when I ran out of yarn. Since I'm trying NOT to buy yarn lately and didn't want to make a special trip I decided to try to wind it myself. I found this great video on the Knitting Help website and gave it a shot. And here it is, ta da!

It worked out pretty well, it didn't get stuck or tangle while I was finishing up. I'm going to save this yarn and make something for my daughter, maybe a little purse or something. LYS is having an SnB Happy Hooker night in a couple of weeks! The first 30 people to sign up get the yarn (Patons Classic Wool) and hook to make the One Skein Scarf. There will also be crochet instruction that night so that everyone can make the scarf. I'm signed up! I can't wait, I've been interesting in crochet as well and I've messed around with it a little but I think I need some in-person instruction so that I know for sure that I'm doing it right. My sister picked up SnBHH for me last week and I've been following the directions. Here's a little practice swatch of single crochet...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Soooooooooo close to done

Okay, yet ANOTHER gigantic lapse in blogging! But I am nearly finished with Mollie's blanket, just need to do 18 (or was it 20?) rows of seed stitch and it'll be complete! Just in time too since she's due in a couple of weeks. When that's done I'm going to see what UFOs may be lurking in my knitting tote.

So, it looks like late August and early September will provide LOTS of knitting time for me - DH and I are going to China! We're going as part of DH's MBA program for 2 1/2 weeks and we'll be visiting Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet and Hong Kong. I'm excited but nervous about leaving the kids for so long, ugh!

Edited to add...

Here's a (blurry) picture of the blanket I'm almost done with!