Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Home sick :(

Well, I am home with a cold today. The upside is that this is my day to work from home so the kids are at the sitter's house. So at least I've been able to rest (and knit!)

And here's a picture of the scarf I'm knitting for my mom. How many days til Christmas?!? This is the Irish Hiking Scarf I mentioned before and I'm using Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride in Silver Sliver. Cool name for a color, don'tcha think?

Okay one more picture to finish up this post. We have gotten to be good friends with our neighbors and when we were there this weekend the wife gave us this lovely gift for Christmas. It's paperwhite bulbs so we'll have lovely scented white flowers by Christmas!

Well, time for me to get going. I want to do another set of rows on the scarf and then I'm off to Hallmark to pick up birthday cards for my husband, today is his birthday!


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better. The scarf is looking great. The problem with surfing blogs is that you get too many ideas. Now I feel like I need this scarf.

LesleyKnits said...

I'm doing better, thanks, Bonnie!

The scarf is going really well. I can almost do it mindlessly right now while I catch up on tv or wait to pick up my son at school.

Home's Jewels said...

I love the Irish Hiking Scarf and the color is perfect! Great job :)